Aware of our mission to preserve life and contribute to health, we donated two conservation chambers to the Adolfo Lutz Institute, in São Paulo. To cooperate in overcoming the current pandemic, conservators will be used to store samples sent for testing, from all over the state of São Paulo.
In the act of donating and installing the chambers, Biotecno was represented by its Commercial Director, Roberto Olivares. Also participating were Dr. Adriano Abbud, Nurse Nuria Borges da Luz, responsible for the laboratory, Ms. Andrea Gomes Aguiar, Director of Infrastructure, and members of the team.
At this moment, it is essential that each company and each citizen contribute in some way to reduce the consequences of the disease. Congratulations to this team that works tirelessly to offer answers in the analysis - a recognition that we extend to all professionals in the health, science and medicine fields.