The ideal percentage of blood donors in a country, according to WHO, is between 3.5% and 5% of the population. In Brazil, it is still 1.9%. The National Blood Donor Day, 25 November, is a date to thank donors and also raise awareness among the population about the importance of donation. Historically, it is known that the month of December is a period of stocks even lower than normal in blood banks. This year, the donation becomes even more important due to the reduction in the number of donations caused by the pandemic.
In August this year, Biotecno, in partnership with Medical Fair Brasil, donated an intelligent blood conservation chamber to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia of São Paulo. The scientific refrigerator was destined for the institutions blood center, which for a long time lacked an adequate solution for the correct storage of blood, its derivatives, reagents and medicines.
“With this action, Biotecno and its entire team of employees reinforce the commitment to contribute to the health ecosystem and the well-being of society, helping the medical and nursing staff”, says Roberto Olivares, Commercial Director at Biotecno.
After the donation, all donated blood is separated into different components (red blood cells, platelets and plasma) and thus can benefit more than one patient with only one unit collected. Correct storage of this material is vital. That is why Biotecno is dedicated to producing intelligent conservation chambers that guarantee safety in all aspects of the conservation of blood and its components.