Last Wednesday, the Ministry of Health received 629,400 more doses of the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech.
The immunizer arrived in Brazil at Viracopos Airport, in Campinas (SP). The doses were transported to Guarulhos (SP), where they are stored at the Pulp Distribution Center until they are distributed throughout the country. This new shipment completes the sum of 3.5 million doses of the immunizer. In June, the forecast is that another 12 million doses of the immunizer will arrive in the country in a staggered manner. The two contracts signed between the Federal Government and Pfizer provide for a total of 200 million doses by the end of 2021.
Pfizer vaccine storage
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine requires special storage conditions that are different from the Brazilian Cold Chain standard. It can last up to six months at -70°C, stored in ultrafreezers. For the time being, in Brazil, ANVISA also allows it to be stored at -15°C to -25°C for up to two weeks and, when the vaccine is thawed to 2°C to 8°C, in the vaccination room, the storage period allowed today is up to five days.
Pfizer filed an application with the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) to obtain an authorization to ease the storage of its vaccine against covid-19 after thawing, presenting studies that would indicate the stability of the substance when kept in this condition for a longer time.