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03 de Novembro de 2020

Brazilian Ministry of Health adopts measures to combat Fake News related to vaccination

In 2020, vaccine coverage in Brazil is of increasing concern. The low adherence meant that measures were adopted by the Ministry of Health to try to reverse the scenario. One of them is the Vaccine Brazil Movement, created in 2019 with the objectives of rescuing the feeling of security, pride and commitment in relation to vaccines, demystifying Fakes News, promoting joint actions with public agencies and companies, as well as obtaining the support of influencers from different areas.

In addition, the Saúde na Hora (Health on the Spot) programs were created, which offer financial resources for health units to extend service hours, and Saúde Sem Fake News, a WhatsApp channel aimed at clarifying rumors. The number is (61) 9 9289-4640.



Although the data are not yet consolidated, vaccines offered to children up to 1 year old, such as yellow fever, hepatitis B for babies up to 30 days and the second dose of the triple viral, registered rates of 50.11%; 54.27% and 55.7%, respectively.
The numbers are even worse than those of 2019, when, for the first time in history, none reached the minimum target - 90% or 95%, depending on the vaccine. But it is important to consider that the fear of the Covid-19 transmission may have contributed to the results.

It also draws attention to the fact that there are differences in vaccine coverage that must be applied simultaneously. These are the cases of BCG and polio (at birth), the second dose of rotavirus and pneumococcal 10-valent (4 months), the third dose of polio and pentavalent (6 months), as well as the first dose of the triple viral and the first reinforcements of meningococcal C and pneumococcal 10-valent (12 months).

Among older children and adolescents, unsatisfactory indicators are repeated. In 2020, the first dose of the HPV vaccine, whose target is 80%, was applied to about 70% of girls aged 9 to 15 years and to just over 40% of boys aged 11 to 14 years. In the second dose, the rates were approximately 40% and 30%. In addition, the reinforcement of the meningococcal C vaccine in adolescence, initially offered from 11 to 14 years of age and now from 11 to 12, reached a maximum of around 40%. The coverage of pregnant women with dTpa in 2020 was 41.7%. *

In this context, it is also important to highlight the need for full vaccine conservation. According to RDC 197/2017, using domestic refrigerators for this purpose is prohibited. Vaccines must be stored correctly in chambers regulated by the Ministry of Health / ANVISA. Biotecno smart conservation chambers meet all these legal requirements and are not just vaccine refrigerators. Precision scientific equipment, produced by Biotecno, incorporates a series of fundamental technologies to guarantee the correct storage of vaccines and to adapt your health establishment to the legislation.

* Source:

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Brazilian Ministry of Health adopts measures to combat Fake News related to vaccination

In 2020, vaccine coverage in Brazil is of increasing concern. The low adherence meant that measures were adopted by the Ministry of Health to try to reverse the scenario. One of them is the Vaccine Brazil Movement, created in 2019 with the objectives of rescuing the feeling of security, pride and commitment in relation to vaccines, demystifying Fakes News, promoting joint actions with public agencies and companies, as well as obtaining the support of influencers from different areas.

In addition, the Saúde na Hora (Health on the Spot) programs were created, which offer financial resources for health units to extend service hours, and Saúde Sem Fake News, a WhatsApp channel aimed at clarifying rumors. The number is (61) 9 9289-4640.



Although the data are not yet consolidated, vaccines offered to children up to 1 year old, such as yellow fever, hepatitis B for babies up to 30 days and the second dose of the triple viral, registered rates of 50.11%; 54.27% and 55.7%, respectively.
The numbers are even worse than those of 2019, when, for the first time in history, none reached the minimum target - 90% or 95%, depending on the vaccine. But it is important to consider that the fear of the Covid-19 transmission may have contributed to the results.

It also draws attention to the fact that there are differences in vaccine coverage that must be applied simultaneously. These are the cases of BCG and polio (at birth), the second dose of rotavirus and pneumococcal 10-valent (4 months), the third dose of polio and pentavalent (6 months), as well as the first dose of the triple viral and the first reinforcements of meningococcal C and pneumococcal 10-valent (12 months).

Among older children and adolescents, unsatisfactory indicators are repeated. In 2020, the first dose of the HPV vaccine, whose target is 80%, was applied to about 70% of girls aged 9 to 15 years and to just over 40% of boys aged 11 to 14 years. In the second dose, the rates were approximately 40% and 30%. In addition, the reinforcement of the meningococcal C vaccine in adolescence, initially offered from 11 to 14 years of age and now from 11 to 12, reached a maximum of around 40%. The coverage of pregnant women with dTpa in 2020 was 41.7%. *

In this context, it is also important to highlight the need for full vaccine conservation. According to RDC 197/2017, using domestic refrigerators for this purpose is prohibited. Vaccines must be stored correctly in chambers regulated by the Ministry of Health / ANVISA. Biotecno smart conservation chambers meet all these legal requirements and are not just vaccine refrigerators. Precision scientific equipment, produced by Biotecno, incorporates a series of fundamental technologies to guarantee the correct storage of vaccines and to adapt your health establishment to the legislation.

* Source:

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