Many Brazilians have already questioned whether it is possible to simultaneously administer the COVID-19 vaccine with other vaccines. The Brazilian Society of Immunizations – SBIm sought an answer from the National Immunization Program (PNI).
The agency informed that co-administration is not recommended because, so far, there are no studies proving the compatibility of COVID-19 vaccines with these situations, as well as to facilitate the monitoring of post-vaccination adverse events (EAPV). Therefore, an interval of 14 days before and after application is recommended.
The PNI, however, emphasizes that the contraindication is not absolute and that the inadvertent occurrence is not a criterion for invalidating the dose. In emergency situations, such as the administration of snakebite serums or anti-rabies vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis, the minimum interval indicated may be disregarded (Source
Importance of correct conservation
In addition to the observations regarding the simultaneous administration of vaccines, there is also a commitment to keep them correctly stored in scientific equipment. The scientific refrigerators for vaccines must be used in any health establishment that stores immunobiologicals, as determined by RDC 197/2017. This regulation prohibited the use of domestic refrigerators, which lead to temperature deviations and the consequent impairment of immunizing properties. Scientific refrigerators have several resources and technologies that guarantee all aspects of conservation, usually in the temperature range between 2°C and 8°C.