Although about 13 million people live with diabetes in Brazil, research shows that the population with diabetes is unaware of their immunization schedule. Conducted via the internet by the NGO ADJ Diabetes Brasil, in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Immunizations (SBIm) and the Brazilian Society of Diabetes (SBD), the survey was carried out with 2,027 participants, between November 6th and December 11th, 2020.
See what are the vaccines and when to take:
Diabetes patients must follow the PNI calendar, which divides immunizers by age group. Some stand out even more for this group. They are the ones that make up the exclusive calendar for diabetics.
- Influenza
Available during annual flu campaigns, should be applied once a year.
- Hepatitis B
Is applied in three doses, at 0, 1 and 6 months of age.
- Chickenpox
Is applied in two doses, the first being given as part of the viral tetra, which also protects against measles, rubella and mumps. The first injection is received at 15 months and the second at 4 years of age.
- Pneumococcal
There are two pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, VPC10 and VPC13. The first is applied in three doses, at 2.4 and 6 months, with reinforcement between 12 and 15 months of age. The second can be given from 1 to 6 incomplete years in two doses with an interval of two months, even if they have already taken the VPC10 correctly. After that age, VPC13 is given in just one dose.
- Herpes zoster
Must be applied in one dose, from 50 years old.
- Vaccine against Covid-19
Despite not being part of the specific calendar of the disease, the immunizing agent is also essential for this population. So much so that she was considered a priority group by the Ministry of Health to receive her (Source:
Correct storage of vaccines
It is worth remembering that as important as the vaccine itself is to store it correctly, as only conservation can guarantee immunization. For this, scientific refrigerators are needed, which maintain doses in the temperature range of 2°C to 8°C through a series of intelligent features.